Dan M. wrote:
> So, the signal is clearly down from what it was before the break-up. 
>  I'll agree the signal/noise ratio is down, but IMHO, the lack of 
> signal is the biggest contributing cause.  If you notice how many 
> different folks posted in the last 6 weeks compared to the number of 
> posters in April-May, you will see that a lot more people feel they 
> have something to say now.  Even you. :-)
You suppose that the cause is the break-up, but I don't think so.

In _all_ mailing lists that I take part, the signal/noise ration
has shifted towards noise in an alarming rate. Even I don't bother
to read e-mails during the weekends - I seldom miss something
really worth discussing.

I think e-mail is dying. Most people prefer posting in blogs or
similar media. I, for example, prefer trolling in the Wikipedia
and other sites like that.

Alberto Monteiro


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