Dan M. wrote:
>>   Subject: Welcome to Hyperinflation!
>>   Date: 2008-08-29 12:30
>> I was just checking the evolution of PPI (PPI and CPI measure
>> inflation in the USA), and noticed that _this year_ the 
>> accumulated inflation is about 10% (!!!)
> Where did you get that? 
2008 data. And notice that I said PPI, not CPI.

> According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
> we've had deflation of about 1% over the past 12 months and 
> inflation of 1.7% over the past 7 months.
Yes, but I was talking about the period from 2008-01 to 2008-06.

> http://www.bls.gov/cpi/home.htm
This site is awful. There's so much information that I have no idea
where the data came from. But it probably came from that site.

Alberto Monteiro


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