Dan M. wrote:
>>>   Subject: Welcome to Hyperinflation!
>>>   Date: 2008-08-29 12:30
>>> I was just checking the evolution of PPI (PPI and CPI measure
>>> inflation in the USA), and noticed that _this year_ the
>>> accumulated inflation is about 10% (!!!)

>> Yes, but I was talking about the period from 2008-01 to 2008-06.
> Why that period? (the PPI increased 6.5% during that period).
Because I was repeating my message of 2008-08-29. Notice the date.
It was quite obvious that something would happen soon. But the
idiots (me including) couldn't see what was coming.

Also, IIRC, the PPI is "revised" after a few months. The preliminary
data indicated a 10% inflation - a sure sign that Evil Days Were
>  I guess its a YMMV item.   I can usually find what I want in a 
> couple of minutes.  As an aside, the US is unique among countries in 
> the amount of available data.  It's much harder to get data from 
> other countries.
Maybe because the data is in English. I once tried to get some
data from Japan, and everything was in japanese characters - that
crazy mix of Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana, Arabic numbers and a few
Roman words.

Brazilian data are available at

It's in Portuguese, Spanish and English (unfortunately, not in Latin,
the official language of Latin America).

Alberto Monteiro


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