>Personally, I think that a system that places an emphasis  on
>boner drugs, reformulation of proven drugs and anti-depressants  that
>don't work is in need of an overhaul in and of  itself.

Being the healthcare provider I can share this without cringing, but it  
will make some of you sit up with a bit of squirming.  Just to share one  of 
those stats to keep us all humble- 40% of men over age 40 will have some  
dealing with impotence.  From a basic human intimacy element- those  
commercials wouldn't be still playing without an audience.   
5-10 years ago, my sweetheart got notice of melanoma and prostate cancer  
within 24 hours, recovery was challenging, even without messing with a man's  
brain on the topic of intimacy.  
When we think of "health", mental health parity, prosthetic parity, etc.  
seem a tough set of standards to set and decide if we will pay for in  
commercial or public options, they say things about us as a society (although  
exactly what I am not always sure).  Do we mandate breast reconstruction  but 
not continence surgeries depending on need?  Do we only cover basic  starter 
prostheses after someone loses a leg?  There are extremes that we  might 
agree on like not paying for $80,000 computerized prosthesis, but where  is the 
Sorry not more logical, there is lots to these topics and we really  
haven't been able to fully "debate", figured I would get some rambling out of  
head in one fell swoop, 


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