>On Tue, 9/29/09, Jo Anne <evens...@hevanet.com> wrote:

> Yea!!!  More xx'ers.

And feeling every "x" in the morning...urf, when did my joints decide to become 
musical?!  I don't even _like_ Rice Krispies anymore.
> > Debbi wrote.......
> >> and yes, I  too am still alive in the real world...  :)
> And Dee responded 
> > We "XX"s have just been sitting back proving we can
> >have quiet  moments and "listen"
> > <snort> be scared when we start getting chatty again
> So where were you two when the heat was on with the health
> care debate?  You
> two are the heavyweights, I'm just the lightweight
> (figuratively) on this
> subject.  Please keep adding your Voices.

<grimace>  It's such a disaster, and the money from the big companies so 
pervasive - nd apparently persuasive - that only with great effort will real 
reform and not mere window-dressing occur.  I'm not overly hopeful, given 
recent events (or lack thereof).

Biting The Bullet Maru



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