At 05:53 PM Monday 1/25/2010, Julia wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 6:44 PM
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
Subject: Re: Is this thing on?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Dave Land <> wrote:
> _It_ is on, but nobody is on _it_.

How's _it_ hangin' ?


I love wearing a Workman model Utilikilt and sticking a hammer in the tool
loop, just so *I* can answer the question, "How's the hammer hanging?"  (Of
course, it doesn't happen often, and is more likely to be a rubber mallet,
the sort that's useful for pounding tent stakes into the ground.)


Some places the ground is hard enough to make a rubber mallet useless for that purpose. Carrying a sledge hammer of sufficient size in a tool loop on an article of clothing more commonly worn in these parts, however, might lead to one being the subject of the tune made popular recently by commercials for _American Idol_ (

. . . ronn!  :)


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