On 23/02/2010, at 4:07 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> Charlie Bell wrote:
>>> The US Army's Strategic Studies Institute has a number of
>>> papers addressing national security issues related to
>>> climate change. AFAIK, they are available for free as
>>> PDF downloads. Go here,
>>> http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?PubID=862
>>> to see one published in August 2008. Food for thought, eh?
>> Yes. I've read most of that lot in the past.
>> But it's still a hoax, apparently. *sigh*
> What is a hoax? Anthropogenic Global Warming?

That is what I was alluding to, that there is a significant portion of the 
population (including those in positions of power) that doubt global warming 
and even claim it to be a hoax. To be clear, I'm not one of them.



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