
I'm not sure why Facebook would be blocking you because you're not on "your" computer, unless your computer at home is logged in at the same time? I have been posted from "other" computers lots of times.

Here are some things to try:

- Go to Facebook Mobile (even if you're not on a mobile device: , and log in there. You may have better luck (even though the interface is decidedly "stripped down" for mobile).

- If you can log on to Facebook at all, go to . On that page, you'll find an email address under the heading "Upload via Email" of the form "". Emails (and photos or videos) sent to that address will appear on your Facebook wall.

- Send stuff to someone here who can log on to Facebook on your behalf and post for you. I could probably guess your password, but I won't try.


On May 19, 2010, at 8:00 PM, Nick Arnett wrote:

Howdy from Port au Prince. We have run two clinics at an orphanage yesterday and today. Saw about 200 people. Going to a tent city tomorrow. Team is heading to bed mostly.

Parts of this are really hard, but it is a privilege to be here.

Facebook is being bad. Even though I was using it earlier, now it won't let me because I'm not using "my" computer. It is a few thousand miles away!!!

If anybody knows another solution, please rely to the list and I will probably see it fairly soon. Only online in morning and evening... When the generator works... When the Internet works.

FYI, I am in Musseau, near Petionville.


Sent from my iPod

On May 16, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Jon Louis Mann <> wrote:

I'm heading to Miami today and then into Port-au-Prince
tomorrow morning...
the list has been so quiet that I suspect it will be fine
without me until I
return from Haiti, a week from tomorrow.
Not sure if I have mentioned this trip here... I'm going
with a medical
relief team from Jordan International Aid.  Although I
was a paramedic many
years ago, my role on this trip is chaplain and critical
incident debriefer.
L'espwa fe viv!

Keep up the good work, Nick!~)




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