-----Original Message-----
From: brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com [mailto:brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com] On
Behalf Of Keith Henson
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 8:40 AM
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: RE: replacing fossil fuels

On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 11:00 AM,   "Dan Minette" <danmine...@att.net> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com [mailto:brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com] 
> On Behalf Of Keith Henson
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 3:09 PM

Wonder where this hung out for over two weeks before making it into a



Short version:  It was in a moderation queue.

Long version:  There are 3 moderators, for some reason I seem to be the only
one who checks for posts awaiting moderation (or it's that way most of the
time), this computer has been having issues (and needing replacement, and
there is a machine to replace it, but getting it set up will take time I
haven't had yet for 2 months now), and things even more hectic than usual
for those 2 weeks.  Also, the software has changed since I first started
doing moderation on a Nick-run system, and it's not as easy to automatically
clear someone's "moderate" flag, plus it used to be they'd clear themselves
after a certain period of time or a certain number of posts, which hasn't
been happening for more than a year, so the system is creating more work for
the moderator(s) than it did 3 years ago.

Keith's moderation flag has been cleared now.  If at any point, you're aware
of a post you've made and it hasn't shown up for a couple of days, if you
send me e-mail at fractalf...@gmail.com, I'll know I ought to be logging on
from whatever system I have access to ASAP to check on that.  (I can
*usually* manage 5 minutes a day at that address to look at anything
extremely critical.  I think there were 2 days in the past 3 weeks I wasn't
even able to do *that*, though.)

(The short version of what happened during that time, that I gave to various
people for various reasons, was "I fell off the internet."  And a point at
which I expected to do some catch-up, it turned out that I didn't have the
internet access I'd anticipated I would.)



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