On 3 Aug 2010, at 19:35, Bruce Bostwick wrote:

> On Aug 3, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Dave Land wrote:
>> The idea that Christianity or Judaism believe that the devil is
>> a separate but (thankfully, not quite) equal power to God is
>> nonsense: it goes against the whole idea of monotheism. You can
>> accept or not accept the monotheistic God of Judeo-Christianity
>> as you see fit, but you can't accept it _and_ have this "other
>> power" floating out there, too. He works for God or he doesn't
>> exist.
>> Dave
> It is fun, however, to point out to Satanists that they are, in fact, at 
> least indirectly Christians.  It makse their heads explode quite 
> entertainingly. :D

I point out that Christians are actually Satanists.

One big happy pantheon Maru
William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk 
Blog : http://blog.williamgoodall.name/

Theists cannot be trusted as they believe that right and wrong are the 
arbitrary proclamations of invisible demons.


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