Some time ago I unsubscribed from this list because of the comments of one 
person who has since matured.  Now I am having a similar problem with someone 
on Dr. Brin's FB page.  I sent him the following e-mail and then it occurred to 
me I could just ask the list:

I have a question you may not be able to answer, David, about how to block 
Facebook trolls if I can't access their page to do so.
As I participate more and more on Facebook, I discovered out that it is 
possible to selectively delete, or block, specific persons from reading your 
comments, so you don't know if they are responding to something you posted, and 
making personal attacks. Kind of a coward's way to avoid honest debate.
I realize that sometimes there are excellent reasons for blocking someone, such 
as when it's clear that a dialog is incapable of going anywhere and someone is 
just trying to get your goat.  Blocking them eliminates them from engaging you 
to participate in further futile interaction. 
That's not what this is; it's two people (who are possibly the same person) who 
blocked me after I figured out what they were doing. They can still read and 
respond to my posts, but without me knowing. 
I tried to block them so they can no longer respond to my comments, but since 
already blocked me, I cannot do the  same to them. One of them sent me private 
messages, gloating, and I can't even respond to that.  The other even has a 
profile picture of a troll!~)
I would stop replying, but I thoroughly enjoy participating in the civilized 
discourse with others on your page. It is extremely irritating to see others 
responding to the troll's comments following mine, and not know what was said...
My question is; how can I block them after they have already blocked me from 
finding them on FB?
Jon Mann



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