On 06/10/2010, at 10:51 AM, John Garcia wrote:
> I'm good, how are you? Sorry to hear about your migraine. How is everything 
> and everyone Down Under?

Can't speak for *everyone*, but everyone that matters is fine, including Max 
The Giant Cat who is trying to persuade me it's dinner time even though I can 
read a clock and have pointed this out to him. Migraine mostly gone. Left for 
work this morning on the road bike as it was glorious glorious sunshine. I 
really should be used to the "four seasons in a day" bit by now, but no. It's 
torrential out there now and I had to tip-toe home on my 23mm racing tyres... 
made it without serious incident (just dickheads pulling u-turns across 
tramtracks or parking in peak-hour bike lanes...).

Off to South Australia for a mate's wedding next week.


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