Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> Leaked U.S. cables, following Lula de Silva's eight years as 
> president of Brazil, show him  cooperating with Washington and 
> double-crossing fellow leftists.
"Double-crossing" is an exageration...

> Brazilian president-elect Dilma Rousseff is an economist, former 
> chief of staff and chosen successor to president Lula.  She is the 
> the first female elected president of Brazil.
Yep. And the bulgarians are very proud of her, because her father
was bulgarian.

> After the 1964 coup d'état she joined Marxist urban guerrilla groups 
> that fought against the military dictatorship, was captured and 
> reportedly tortured in jail.
They forgot to mention that she may have taken part in bank robbery
and murder during those times.

> After her release, she helped found the Democratic Labour Party.
That was PDT, which was _not_ Lula's party (PT aka Arbeiterpartei).
She switched from PDT to PT quite recently.

Alberto Monteiro


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