Thanks Kenee, are you after my job? ;) To answer a couple of Ben's points. I think the split season wll help introduce those players. They can play three Mixed Tours before they play in the Open Tour, so the Mixed Tour becomes more of an obvious stepping stone. In addition, an influx of (male) open tour specialist cannot happen without a similar number of women also joining. Therefore it will encourage teams to get out there and recruit more women, fantastic! So, let us know how many teams you might be able to enter in the Mixed Tour. We've already heard from 10 clubs who'll be sending a total of 13 teams to all events. If it looks like 32 team events are possible, then that's what we'll go for. Jaimie
Bryony Hall & Jaimie Cross
Mixed Tour Co-ordinators

The mixed tour is not necessarily limited to 24 teams..... 'it is requested that clubs notify the Mixed Committee as soon as possible of their interest in playing on the Tour. It would be helpful if this could include
1. The number of Tour events, you are likely to want to play.
2. Whether your club could potentially enter more than one team. This is so that the potential for increasing the size of the Mixed Tour to 28 or 32 teams can be determined.'

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 18 November 2005 14:37
Subject: [BD] mixed tour next year

I wont be able to make the AGM this weekend so I'm posting
this to britdisc in the hope that it stimulates some debate.
I am a little concerned about the proposed mixed tour / open
tour structure next year.   The decision appears to have
been made to split the tour season into a mixed tour and
open tour.  I am concerned about the impact of introducing
new players especially into the game.
In the past the mixed tour has always been a good
environment to bring new players into, especially new women.
With the new split structure this will push most of the open
player specialists into the mixed tour.  What worked well in
the past was that although the top 8-10 teams were
competative there was a long tail of of less experienced
teams in the mixed tour which made it a good environment to
bring in new players.  I doubt whether this will be true
this year, with a large influx of open players and the hard
cap on only 24 teams.
This is the question that I have to answer.  We've been
getting together players in Exeter over the past year.  We
now have a player base of around 24 (of which maybe 40% are
women).  Apart from a couple of us none of them had played
before but they are getting to the stage where we can start
to think about entering them into a tournament or two.
What do we aim for?  If the mixed tour becomes smaller and
more competive, it will be quite a step up (too great?).
Alternatively do we go for the open tour (wider number of
teams) but find we loose most of our women after a tour or
I guess the point I want to make is we need to think about
how we make our sport accessable.  I think the mixed tour
has done this well in the past.
There are good pathways to bring students through from
beginners to a competitive standard but the success of
ultimate in the future will depend on how well we develop
ultimate elsewhere (schools, city leagues, corporate teams,
non-student teams).  I fear that unless you live in an area
which has a local league or an already well established team
it will become more difficult to bring new players/teams
into the sport.

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