
Yes, we're back. Again. You can't get rid of us...I have genuinely now lost 
count of how long we've been running this event. It's well over a decade now. 
People keep coming, so we must be doing something right. 

This year's GBC will be on the usual weekend of the 14th/15th December, in the 
usual place at the NIA in Birmingham, costing the usual amount of £135. 

Slightly unusually we'll be adopting the continuous point rules we trialled at 
a one-day event back in January after overwhelmingly positive feedback.  It's 
mad-cap, knackering and something a bit different.  This will also entail a new 
schedule which gives 11 games per team and more closely matched.

The legendary fantasy game will be in its usual slot, with cash prizes. 

So...do ya want to come?  Hope so. 

Get in touch quickly as we're always over subscribed and we're almost half full 
already with last year's returners.


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