Revision: 46831

Author:   tbrowder2
Date:     2011-09-21 13:44:14 +0000 (Wed, 21 Sep 2011)
Log Message:
add a new tool to create an index for DB products

Added Paths:

Added: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/
--- brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/                            (rev 0)
+++ brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/    2011-09-21 13:44:14 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# global vars
+my $vfil     = 'db-file-list.txt';
+my $sfil     = '';
+my $prog = basename($0);
+my $usage = "Usage: $prog --go | <input file> [options...]";
+if (!@ARGV) {
+  print <<"HERE";
+Use option '--help' or '-h' for more details.
+  exit;
+my $verbose  = 0;
+my $debug    = 0;
+my $ifil     = 0;
+my $ofil     = 'index.xml';
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+  my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+  my $val = undef;
+  my $idx = index $arg, '=';
+  if ($idx >= 0) {
+    $val = substr $arg, $idx+1;
+    $arg = substr $arg, 0, $idx;
+  }
+  if ($arg =~ /^[-]{1,2}h/i) {
+    help(); # exits from help()
+  }
+  elsif ($arg =~ /^[-]{1,2}g/i) {
+    ; # ignore
+  }
+  elsif ($arg =~ /^[-]{1,2}v/i) {
+    $verbose = 1;
+  }
+  elsif (!$ifil) {
+    $ifil = $arg;
+  }
+  else {
+    die "ERROR:  Unknown argument '$arg'.\n"
+  }
+# error checks
+my $errors = 0;
+# check for input file
+if (!$ifil) {
+  if (-f $vfil) {
+    $ifil = $vfil;
+  }
+  else {
+    print "ERROR: No input file entered.\n";
+    ++$errors;
+  }
+elsif (! -f $ifil) {
+  print "ERROR:  Input file '$ifil' not found.\n";
+  ++$errors;
+die "ERROR exit.\n"
+  if $errors;
+open my $fp, '<', $ifil
+  or die "$ifil: $!\n";
+my %db = (); # db{$dir}{fils}{$fil} = 1
+my %dir
+  = (
+     1 => { dir => 'articles', name => '',},
+     2 => { dir => 'books', name => '',},
+     3 => { dir => 'lessons', name => '',},
+     4 => { dir => 'presentations', name => '',},
+     5 => { dir => 'specifications', name => '',},
+     6 => { dir => 'system', name => '',},
+     );
+while (defined(my $line = <$fp>)) {
+  # eliminate any comments
+  my  $idx = index $line, '#';
+  if ($idx >= 0) {
+    $line = substr $line, 0, $idx;
+  }
+  # tokenize (may have one or more files on the line)
+  my @d = split(' ', $line);
+  next if !defined $d[0];
+  while (@d) {
+    my $f = shift @d;
+    if (! -f $f) {
+      print "WARNING:  DB file '$f' not found...skipping.\n"
+       if $verbose;
+      next;
+    }
+    # need the dir and basename
+    my $fil  = basename($f);
+    my $dirs = dirname($f);
+    # break the dir down into parts
+    my @dirs = split('/', $dirs);
+    die "What? \$dirs = '$dirs'!"
+      if !@dirs;
+    my $tdir = shift @dirs;
+    die "What? \$dirs = '$dirs'!"
+      if !@dirs;
+    die "What? \$dirs = '$dirs'!"
+      if !defined $tdir;
+    # reassemble
+    my $sdir = shift @dirs;
+    $sdir = '' if !defined $sdir;
+    while (@dirs) {
+      my $d = shift @dirs;
+      $sdir .= '/';
+      $sdir .= $d;
+    }
+    $db{$tdir}{subdirs}{$sdir}{fils}{$fil} = 1;
+  }
+close $fp;
+#print Dumper(\%db);
+#die "debug exit";
+my @dirs  = ();
+my @names = ();
+foreach my $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %dir) {
+  my $dir = $dir{$k}{dir};
+  print "dir = '$dir'\n" if $verbose;
+  push @dirs, $dir;
+  my $name = (exists $dir{$k}{name} && $dir{$k}{name})
+           ? $dir{$k}{name} : ucfirst $dir;
+  push @names, $name;
+foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+  my $name = shift @names;
+  my %sdir = %{$db{$dir}{subdirs}};
+  my @sdirs = (sort keys %sdir);
+  foreach my $sdir (@sdirs) {
+    my %fil = %{$sdir{$sdir}{fils}};
+    my @fils = (sort keys %fil);
+    foreach my $fil (@fils) {
+      # reassemble complete file name
+      my $f = $dir;
+      if ($sdir) {
+       $f .= "/$sdir";
+      }
+      $f .= "/$fil";
+      if (-f $f) {
+       print "Found DB xml file '$f'.\n";
+      }
+      else {
+       print "WARNING: DB xml file '$f' not found!\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+print "Normal end.  See output file '$ofil'.\n";
+#### SUBROUTINES ####
+sub help {
+  print <<"HERE";
+Generates a DocBook xml (DB) source file ($ofil) listing the
+files found in the input file organized by directory.  Input
+is a list of source files to include.  Output is to file
+'$ofil' which should then be processed by the document
+build system in the usual manner.
+Note that the \%dir hash must be edited to represent the
+desired order of presentation of top-level sub-directories
+and their presentation names.
+  --verbose       show more info about what's going on
+File and directory names must not have spaces.
+The list file may be generated with the shell script '$sfil'
+The output file is named '$vfil'.  If the file name
+'$vfil' is found it will be used automatically if no file
+name is entered at the prompt (in that case at least on arg must be
+entered so use '--go' if no other arg is needed).
+In the list file all blank lines and all characters on a line at and
+after the '#' symbol are ignored.
+  exit;
+} # help

Property changes on: brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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