Revision: 52025

Author:   anrgmrty
Date:     2012-08-15 09:26:28 +0000 (Wed, 15 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
help for voxelize

Modified Paths:

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl
--- brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl   2012-08-15 05:20:56 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl   2012-08-15 09:26:28 UTC (rev 
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@
 set mged_help_data(e_muves)    {{MUVES_component_1 MUVES_component2 ...}       
{DEPRECATED: display listed MUVES components/systems}}
 set mged_help_data(facedef)    {{####} {define new face for an arb}}
 set mged_help_data(facetize)   {{[-mntT] [-P#] new_obj old_obj(s)}     
{convert objects to faceted BOT objects (or NMG for -n option, with -m for 
marching cubes) at current tol}}
-set mged_help_data(voxelize)   {{} {}}
 set mged_help_data(form)       $helplib_data(wdb_form)
 set mged_help_data(fracture)   {{NMGsolid [prefix]}    {fracture an NMG solid 
into many NMG solids, each containing one face}}
 set mged_help_data(g)          $helplib_data(wdb_group)
@@ -334,6 +333,15 @@
 set mged_help_data(vdraw)      {{write|insert|delete|read|length|send [args]}  
{Expermental drawing (cnuzman)}}
 set mged_help_data(view)       {{center|size|eye|ypr|quat|aet} {get/set view 
parameters (local units).}}
 set mged_help_data(vnirt)      {{x y}          {trace a single ray from x y}}
+set mged_help_data(voxelize)   {{[-s "dx dy dz"] [-d n] [-t f] new_obj old_obj 
[old_obj2 old_obj3 ...]} {convert object to its constituent voxels, i.e.the 
RPPs which approximate it.
+       -d n                - Specifies the level of detail(precision in 
approximation of volume) required. An input of n means that n * n rays will be 
shot through each row, and an approximation of volume filled is reached 
averaging these n * n values 
+       -s "dx dy dz"       - Specifies the voxel size in each direction.
+       -t f                - Specifies the threshold volume to decide if voxel 
is to be included in the voxelized output.
+  }}
 set mged_help_data(vquery_ray) {{x y}          {trace a single ray from x y}}
 #set mged_help_data(vrmgr)     {{host {master|slave|overview}} {link with 
Virtual Reality manager}}
 set mged_help_data(vrot)       $helplib_data(vo_vrot)

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