Revision: 76250

Author:   starseeker
Date:     2020-07-01 17:59:11 +0000 (Wed, 01 Jul 2020)
Log Message:
Move polygon overlap check

Modified Paths:

Modified: brlcad/trunk/include/dm/bview_util.h
--- brlcad/trunk/include/dm/bview_util.h        2020-07-01 17:22:35 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/include/dm/bview_util.h        2020-07-01 17:59:11 UTC (rev 
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #define DM_BVIEW_UTIL_H
 #include "common.h"
+#include "bn/tol.h"
 #include "dm/defines.h"
 #include "dm/bview.h"
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
 DM_EXPORT fastf_t find_polygon_area(bview_polygon *gpoly, fastf_t sf, matp_t 
model2view, fastf_t size);
+DM_EXPORT int polygons_overlap(bview_polygon *polyA, bview_polygon *polyB, 
matp_t model2view, struct bn_tol *tol, fastf_t iscale);

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/bview_polygon.cpp
--- brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/bview_polygon.cpp    2020-07-01 17:22:35 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/bview_polygon.cpp    2020-07-01 17:59:11 UTC (rev 
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
 #include "clipper.hpp"
 #include "vmath.h"
+#include "bu/malloc.h"
 #include "bn/mat.h"
+#include "bn/plane.h"
 #include "dm/defines.h"
 #include "dm/bview_util.h"
@@ -67,6 +69,375 @@
+typedef struct {
+    size_t      pc_num_points;
+    point2d_t   *pc_point;
+} poly_contour_2d;
+typedef struct {
+    size_t              p_num_contours;
+    int                 *p_hole;
+    poly_contour_2d     *p_contour;
+} polygon_2d;
+polygons_overlap(bview_polygon *polyA, bview_polygon *polyB, matp_t 
model2view, struct bn_tol *tol, fastf_t iscale)
+    size_t i, j;
+    size_t beginA, endA, beginB, endB;
+    fastf_t tol_dist;
+    fastf_t tol_dist_sq;
+    fastf_t scale;
+    polygon_2d polyA_2d;
+    polygon_2d polyB_2d;
+    point2d_t pt_2d;
+    point_t A;
+    size_t winding = 0;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (polyA->gp_num_contours < 1 || polyA->gp_contour[0].gpc_num_points < 1 
+       polyB->gp_num_contours < 1 || polyB->gp_contour[0].gpc_num_points < 1)
+       return 0;
+    tol_dist = (tol->dist > 0.0) ? tol->dist : BN_TOL_DIST;
+    tol_dist_sq = (tol->dist_sq > 0.0) ? tol->dist_sq : tol_dist * tol_dist;
+    scale = (iscale > (fastf_t)UINT16_MAX) ? iscale : (fastf_t)UINT16_MAX;
+    /* Project polyA and polyB onto the view plane */
+    polyA_2d.p_num_contours = polyA->gp_num_contours;
+    polyA_2d.p_hole = (int *)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_num_contours, sizeof(int), 
+    polyA_2d.p_contour = (poly_contour_2d *)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_num_contours, 
sizeof(poly_contour_2d), "p_contour");
+    for (i = 0; i < polyA->gp_num_contours; ++i) {
+       polyA_2d.p_hole[i] = polyA->gp_hole[i];
+       polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points = 
+       polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point = (point2d_t 
*)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points, sizeof(point2d_t), "pc_point");
+       for (j = 0; j < polyA->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points; ++j) {
+           point_t vpoint;
+           MAT4X3PNT(vpoint, model2view, polyA->gp_contour[i].gpc_point[j]);
+           VSCALE(vpoint, vpoint, scale);
+           V2MOVE(polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[j], vpoint);
+       }
+    }
+    polyB_2d.p_num_contours = polyB->gp_num_contours;
+    polyB_2d.p_hole = (int *)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_num_contours, sizeof(int), 
+    polyB_2d.p_contour = (poly_contour_2d *)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_num_contours, 
sizeof(poly_contour_2d), "p_contour");
+    for (i = 0; i < polyB->gp_num_contours; ++i) {
+       polyB_2d.p_hole[i] = polyB->gp_hole[i];
+       polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points = 
+       polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point = (point2d_t 
*)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points, sizeof(point2d_t), "pc_point");
+       for (j = 0; j < polyB->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points; ++j) {
+           point_t vpoint;
+           MAT4X3PNT(vpoint, model2view, polyB->gp_contour[i].gpc_point[j]);
+           VSCALE(vpoint, vpoint, scale);
+           V2MOVE(polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[j], vpoint);
+       }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Check every line segment of polyA against every line segment of polyB.
+     * If there are any intersecting line segments, there exists an overlap.
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
+       for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
+           vect2d_t dirA;
+           if (beginA == polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points-1)
+               endA = 0;
+           else
+               endA = beginA + 1;
+           V2SUB2(dirA, polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[endA], 
+           for (j = 0; j < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
+               for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
+                   vect2d_t distvec;
+                   vect2d_t dirB;
+                   if (beginB == polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
+                       endB = 0;
+                   else
+                       endB = beginB + 1;
+                   V2SUB2(dirB, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB], 
+                   if (bn_isect_lseg2_lseg2(distvec,
polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginA], dirA,
polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB], dirB,
+                                            tol) == 1) {
+                       /* Check to see if intersection is near an end point */
+                       if (!NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[0], 0.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
+                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[0], 1.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
+                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[1], 0.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
+                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[1], 1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
+                           ret = 1;
+                           goto end;
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
+       size_t npts_on_contour = 0;
+       size_t npts_outside = 0;
+       /* Skip holes */
+       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[i])
+           continue;
+       /* Check if all points in the current polygon B contour are inside A */
+       for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
+           winding = 0;
+           V2MOVE(pt_2d, polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginB]);
+           V2MOVE(A, pt_2d);
+           A[2] = 0.0;
+           for (j = 0; j < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
+               point_t B, C;
+               vect_t BmA, CmA;
+               vect_t vcross;
+               for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
+                   fastf_t dot;
+                   if (beginA == polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
+                       endA = 0;
+                   else
+                       endA = beginA + 1;
+                   if (V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq) ||
+                       V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq)) {
+                       /* pt_2d is the same as one of the end points, so count 
it */
+                       ++npts_on_contour;
+                       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
+                           winding = 0;
+                       else
+                           winding = 1;
+                       goto endA;
+                   }
+                   if ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1] <= pt_2d[1] 
+                        polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1] > pt_2d[1])) {
+                       V2MOVE(B, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA]);
+                       B[2] = 0.0;
+                       V2MOVE(C, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA]);
+                       C[2] = 0.0;
+                   } else if ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1] <= 
pt_2d[1] &&
+                               polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1] > 
pt_2d[1])) {
+                       V2MOVE(B, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA]);
+                       B[2] = 0.0;
+                       V2MOVE(C, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA]);
+                       C[2] = 0.0;
+                   } else {
+                       /* check if the point is on a horizontal edge */
+                       if 
+                                      polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1], 
tol_dist_sq) &&
NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1], pt_2d[1], tol_dist_sq) &&
+                           ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
+                             polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]) ||
+                            (polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
+                             polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]))) {
+                           ++npts_on_contour;
+                           if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
+                               winding = 0;
+                           else
+                               winding = 1;
+                           goto endA;
+                       }
+                       continue;
+                   }
+                   VSUB2(BmA, B, A);
+                   VSUB2(CmA, C, A);
+                   VUNITIZE(BmA);
+                   VUNITIZE(CmA);
+                   dot = VDOT(BmA, CmA);
+                   if (NEAR_EQUAL(dot, -1.0, tol_dist_sq) || NEAR_EQUAL(dot, 
1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
+                       ++npts_on_contour;
+                       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
+                           winding = 0;
+                       else
+                           winding = 0;
+                       goto endA;
+                   }
+                   VCROSS(vcross, BmA, CmA);
+                   if (vcross[2] > 0)
+                       ++winding;
+               }
+           }
+       endA:
+           /* found a point on a polygon B contour that's outside of polygon A 
+           if (!(winding%2)) {
+               ++npts_outside;
+               if (npts_outside != npts_on_contour) {
+                   break;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       /* found a B polygon contour that's completely inside polygon A */
+       if (winding%2 || (npts_outside != 0 &&
+                         npts_outside != polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points &&
+                         npts_outside == npts_on_contour)) {
+           ret = 1;
+           goto end;
+       }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
+       size_t npts_on_contour = 0;
+       size_t npts_outside = 0;
+       /* Skip holes */
+       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[i])
+           continue;
+       /* Check if all points in the current polygon A contour are inside B */
+       for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
+           winding = 0;
+           V2MOVE(pt_2d, polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginA]);
+           V2MOVE(A, pt_2d);
+           A[2] = 0.0;
+           for (j = 0; j < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
+               point_t B, C;
+               vect_t BmA, CmA;
+               vect_t vcross;
+               for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
+                   fastf_t dot;
+                   if (beginB == polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
+                       endB = 0;
+                   else
+                       endB = beginB + 1;
+                   if (V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq) ||
+                       V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq)) {
+                       /* pt_2d is the same as one of the end points, so count 
it */
+                       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
+                           winding = 0;
+                       else
+                           winding = 1;
+                       ++npts_on_contour;
+                       goto endB;
+                   }
+                   if ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1] <= pt_2d[1] 
+                        polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1] > pt_2d[1])) {
+                       V2MOVE(B, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB]);
+                       B[2] = 0.0;
+                       V2MOVE(C, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB]);
+                       C[2] = 0.0;
+                   } else if ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1] <= 
pt_2d[1] &&
+                               polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1] > 
pt_2d[1])) {
+                       V2MOVE(B, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB]);
+                       B[2] = 0.0;
+                       V2MOVE(C, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB]);
+                       C[2] = 0.0;
+                   } else {
+                       /* check if the point is on a horizontal edge */
+                       if 
+                                      polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1], 
tol_dist_sq) &&
NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1], pt_2d[1], tol_dist_sq) &&
+                           ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
+                             polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]) ||
+                            (polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
+                             polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]))) {
+                           if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
+                               winding = 0;
+                           else
+                               winding = 1;
+                           ++npts_on_contour;
+                           goto endB;
+                       }
+                       continue;
+                   }
+                   VSUB2(BmA, B, A);
+                   VSUB2(CmA, C, A);
+                   VUNITIZE(BmA);
+                   VUNITIZE(CmA);
+                   dot = VDOT(BmA, CmA);
+                   if (NEAR_EQUAL(dot, -1.0, tol_dist_sq) || NEAR_EQUAL(dot, 
1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
+                       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
+                           winding = 0;
+                       else
+                           winding = 1;
+                       ++npts_on_contour;
+                       goto endB;
+                   }
+                   VCROSS(vcross, BmA, CmA);
+                   if (vcross[2] > 0)
+                       ++winding;
+               }
+           }
+       endB:
+           /* found a point on a polygon A contour that's outside of polygon B 
+           if (!(winding%2)) {
+               ++npts_outside;
+               if (npts_outside != npts_on_contour) {
+                   break;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       /* found an A polygon contour that's completely inside polygon B */
+       if (winding%2 || (npts_outside != 0 &&
+                         npts_outside != polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points &&
+                         npts_outside == npts_on_contour)) {
+           ret = 1;
+           break;
+       } else
+           ret = 0;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < polyA->gp_num_contours; ++i)
+       bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point, "pc_point");
+    for (i = 0; i < polyB->gp_num_contours; ++i)
+       bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point, "pc_point");
+    bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_hole, "p_hole");
+    bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_contour, "p_contour");
+    bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_hole, "p_hole");
+    bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_contour, "p_contour");
+    return ret;
  * Local Variables:
  * tab-width: 8

Modified: brlcad/trunk/src/libged/polyclip.cpp
--- brlcad/trunk/src/libged/polyclip.cpp        2020-07-01 17:22:35 UTC (rev 
+++ brlcad/trunk/src/libged/polyclip.cpp        2020-07-01 17:59:11 UTC (rev 
@@ -489,374 +489,12 @@
 ged_polygons_overlap(struct ged *gedp, bview_polygon *polyA, bview_polygon 
-    size_t i, j;
-    size_t beginA, endA, beginB, endB;
-    fastf_t tol_dist;
-    fastf_t tol_dist_sq;
-    fastf_t scale;
-    polygon_2d polyA_2d;
-    polygon_2d polyB_2d;
-    point2d_t pt_2d;
-    point_t A;
-    size_t winding = 0;
-    int ret = 0;
-    if (polyA->gp_num_contours < 1 || polyA->gp_contour[0].gpc_num_points < 1 
-       polyB->gp_num_contours < 1 || polyB->gp_contour[0].gpc_num_points < 1)
-       return 0;
-    if (gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol.dist > 0.0)
-       tol_dist = gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol.dist;
-    else
-       tol_dist = BN_TOL_DIST;
-    if (gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol.dist_sq > 0.0)
-       tol_dist_sq = gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol.dist_sq;
-    else
-       tol_dist_sq = tol_dist * tol_dist;
-    if (gedp->ged_gvp->gv_scale > (fastf_t)UINT16_MAX)
-       scale = gedp->ged_gvp->gv_scale;
-    else
-       scale = (fastf_t)UINT16_MAX;
-    /* Project polyA and polyB onto the view plane */
-    polyA_2d.p_num_contours = polyA->gp_num_contours;
-    polyA_2d.p_hole = (int *)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_num_contours, sizeof(int), 
-    polyA_2d.p_contour = (poly_contour_2d *)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_num_contours, 
sizeof(poly_contour_2d), "p_contour");
-    for (i = 0; i < polyA->gp_num_contours; ++i) {
-       polyA_2d.p_hole[i] = polyA->gp_hole[i];
-       polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points = 
-       polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point = (point2d_t 
*)bu_calloc(polyA->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points, sizeof(point2d_t), "pc_point");
-       for (j = 0; j < polyA->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points; ++j) {
-           point_t vpoint;
-           MAT4X3PNT(vpoint, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_model2view, 
-           VSCALE(vpoint, vpoint, scale);
-           V2MOVE(polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[j], vpoint);
-       }
-    }
-    polyB_2d.p_num_contours = polyB->gp_num_contours;
-    polyB_2d.p_hole = (int *)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_num_contours, sizeof(int), 
-    polyB_2d.p_contour = (poly_contour_2d *)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_num_contours, 
sizeof(poly_contour_2d), "p_contour");
-    for (i = 0; i < polyB->gp_num_contours; ++i) {
-       polyB_2d.p_hole[i] = polyB->gp_hole[i];
-       polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points = 
-       polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point = (point2d_t 
*)bu_calloc(polyB->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points, sizeof(point2d_t), "pc_point");
-       for (j = 0; j < polyB->gp_contour[i].gpc_num_points; ++j) {
-           point_t vpoint;
-           MAT4X3PNT(vpoint, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_model2view, 
-           VSCALE(vpoint, vpoint, scale);
-           V2MOVE(polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[j], vpoint);
-       }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Check every line segment of polyA against every line segment of polyB.
-     * If there are any intersecting line segments, there exists an overlap.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
-       for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
-           vect2d_t dirA;
-           if (beginA == polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points-1)
-               endA = 0;
-           else
-               endA = beginA + 1;
-           V2SUB2(dirA, polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[endA], 
-           for (j = 0; j < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
-               for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
-                   vect2d_t distvec;
-                   vect2d_t dirB;
-                   if (beginB == polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
-                       endB = 0;
-                   else
-                       endB = beginB + 1;
-                   V2SUB2(dirB, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB], 
-                   if (bn_isect_lseg2_lseg2(distvec,
polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginA], dirA,
polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB], dirB,
-                                            &gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol) == 1) {
-                       /* Check to see if intersection is near an end point */
-                       if (!NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[0], 0.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
-                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[0], 1.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
-                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[1], 0.0, tol_dist_sq) &&
-                           !NEAR_EQUAL(distvec[1], 1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
-                           ret = 1;
-                           goto end;
-                       }
-                   }
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
-       size_t npts_on_contour = 0;
-       size_t npts_outside = 0;
-       /* Skip holes */
-       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[i])
-           continue;
-       /* Check if all points in the current polygon B contour are inside A */
-       for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
-           winding = 0;
-           V2MOVE(pt_2d, polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginB]);
-           V2MOVE(A, pt_2d);
-           A[2] = 0.0;
-           for (j = 0; j < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
-               point_t B, C;
-               vect_t BmA, CmA;
-               vect_t vcross;
-               for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
-                   fastf_t dot;
-                   if (beginA == polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
-                       endA = 0;
-                   else
-                       endA = beginA + 1;
-                   if (V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq) ||
-                       V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq)) {
-                       /* pt_2d is the same as one of the end points, so count 
it */
-                       ++npts_on_contour;
-                       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
-                           winding = 0;
-                       else
-                           winding = 1;
-                       goto endA;
-                   }
-                   if ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1] <= pt_2d[1] 
-                        polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1] > pt_2d[1])) {
-                       V2MOVE(B, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA]);
-                       B[2] = 0.0;
-                       V2MOVE(C, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA]);
-                       C[2] = 0.0;
-                   } else if ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1] <= 
pt_2d[1] &&
-                               polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1] > 
pt_2d[1])) {
-                       V2MOVE(B, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA]);
-                       B[2] = 0.0;
-                       V2MOVE(C, polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA]);
-                       C[2] = 0.0;
-                   } else {
-                       /* check if the point is on a horizontal edge */
-                       if 
-                                      polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][1], 
tol_dist_sq) &&
NEAR_EQUAL(polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][1], pt_2d[1], tol_dist_sq) &&
-                           ((polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
-                             polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]) ||
-                            (polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endA][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
-                             polyA_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginA][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]))) {
-                           ++npts_on_contour;
-                           if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
-                               winding = 0;
-                           else
-                               winding = 1;
-                           goto endA;
-                       }
-                       continue;
-                   }
-                   VSUB2(BmA, B, A);
-                   VSUB2(CmA, C, A);
-                   VUNITIZE(BmA);
-                   VUNITIZE(CmA);
-                   dot = VDOT(BmA, CmA);
-                   if (NEAR_EQUAL(dot, -1.0, tol_dist_sq) || NEAR_EQUAL(dot, 
1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
-                       ++npts_on_contour;
-                       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[j])
-                           winding = 0;
-                       else
-                           winding = 0;
-                       goto endA;
-                   }
-                   VCROSS(vcross, BmA, CmA);
-                   if (vcross[2] > 0)
-                       ++winding;
-               }
-           }
-       endA:
-           /* found a point on a polygon B contour that's outside of polygon A 
-           if (!(winding%2)) {
-               ++npts_outside;
-               if (npts_outside != npts_on_contour) {
-                   break;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-       /* found a B polygon contour that's completely inside polygon A */
-       if (winding%2 || (npts_outside != 0 &&
-                         npts_outside != polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points &&
-                         npts_outside == npts_on_contour)) {
-           ret = 1;
-           goto end;
-       }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < polyA_2d.p_num_contours; ++i) {
-       size_t npts_on_contour = 0;
-       size_t npts_outside = 0;
-       /* Skip holes */
-       if (polyA_2d.p_hole[i])
-           continue;
-       /* Check if all points in the current polygon A contour are inside B */
-       for (beginA = 0; beginA < polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points; 
++beginA) {
-           winding = 0;
-           V2MOVE(pt_2d, polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point[beginA]);
-           V2MOVE(A, pt_2d);
-           A[2] = 0.0;
-           for (j = 0; j < polyB_2d.p_num_contours; ++j) {
-               point_t B, C;
-               vect_t BmA, CmA;
-               vect_t vcross;
-               for (beginB = 0; beginB < polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points; 
++beginB) {
-                   fastf_t dot;
-                   if (beginB == polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_num_points-1)
-                       endB = 0;
-                   else
-                       endB = beginB + 1;
-                   if (V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq) ||
-                       V2NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB], 
pt_2d, tol_dist_sq)) {
-                       /* pt_2d is the same as one of the end points, so count 
it */
-                       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
-                           winding = 0;
-                       else
-                           winding = 1;
-                       ++npts_on_contour;
-                       goto endB;
-                   }
-                   if ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1] <= pt_2d[1] 
-                        polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1] > pt_2d[1])) {
-                       V2MOVE(B, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB]);
-                       B[2] = 0.0;
-                       V2MOVE(C, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB]);
-                       C[2] = 0.0;
-                   } else if ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1] <= 
pt_2d[1] &&
-                               polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1] > 
pt_2d[1])) {
-                       V2MOVE(B, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB]);
-                       B[2] = 0.0;
-                       V2MOVE(C, polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB]);
-                       C[2] = 0.0;
-                   } else {
-                       /* check if the point is on a horizontal edge */
-                       if 
-                                      polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][1], 
tol_dist_sq) &&
NEAR_EQUAL(polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][1], pt_2d[1], tol_dist_sq) &&
-                           ((polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
-                             polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]) ||
-                            (polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[endB][0] <= 
pt_2d[0] &&
-                             polyB_2d.p_contour[j].pc_point[beginB][0] >= 
pt_2d[0]))) {
-                           if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
-                               winding = 0;
-                           else
-                               winding = 1;
-                           ++npts_on_contour;
-                           goto endB;
-                       }
-                       continue;
-                   }
-                   VSUB2(BmA, B, A);
-                   VSUB2(CmA, C, A);
-                   VUNITIZE(BmA);
-                   VUNITIZE(CmA);
-                   dot = VDOT(BmA, CmA);
-                   if (NEAR_EQUAL(dot, -1.0, tol_dist_sq) || NEAR_EQUAL(dot, 
1.0, tol_dist_sq)) {
-                       if (polyB_2d.p_hole[j])
-                           winding = 0;
-                       else
-                           winding = 1;
-                       ++npts_on_contour;
-                       goto endB;
-                   }
-                   VCROSS(vcross, BmA, CmA);
-                   if (vcross[2] > 0)
-                       ++winding;
-               }
-           }
-       endB:
-           /* found a point on a polygon A contour that's outside of polygon B 
-           if (!(winding%2)) {
-               ++npts_outside;
-               if (npts_outside != npts_on_contour) {
-                   break;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-       /* found an A polygon contour that's completely inside polygon B */
-       if (winding%2 || (npts_outside != 0 &&
-                         npts_outside != polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_num_points &&
-                         npts_outside == npts_on_contour)) {
-           ret = 1;
-           break;
-       } else
-           ret = 0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < polyA->gp_num_contours; ++i)
-       bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point, "pc_point");
-    for (i = 0; i < polyB->gp_num_contours; ++i)
-       bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_contour[i].pc_point, "pc_point");
-    bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_hole, "p_hole");
-    bu_free((void *)polyA_2d.p_contour, "p_contour");
-    bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_hole, "p_hole");
-    bu_free((void *)polyB_2d.p_contour, "p_contour");
-    return ret;
+    return polygons_overlap(polyA, polyB, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_model2view, 
&gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_scale);
 sort_by_X(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *UNUSED(arg))

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