
My name is Michal Jagielski and I'm second year student in Computer Science
from University of Wroclaw. What's about my knowledge... I know Linux and
other UNIX-like systems quite good. Mainly I write in C/C+ but I also like
functional languages (Haskell, OCaml). Probably it's not too useful in this
project ;) Lately I'm interested primarily in GPGPU and I have some
experience with it ( for example, I'm writing Rubik Cube optimal solver on
CUDA). I preferred CUDA but I had also some practice with OpenCL.

I have written to you at IRC channel and I've got some tips about this task
(OpenCL GPGPU Raytracing). I found it interesting to me so I decided I
will  apply to this project. It's significant to me that your's
organization is quite newbie-friendly because it's my first open-source

I'm still thinking about what I should write in such application and
probably I need your hints... I will mainly convert C raytracing code to
OpenCL raytracing so details about what I should include? Or maybe not
details but only milestones?

Michał Jagielski
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