On Mar 6, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Yos Riady <yosri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm a senior CS undergraduate at the National University of Singapore and I'm 
> interested in learning more and discuss about your Online Geometry Viewer 
> Back-end GSoC project. I believe that my set of skills and past experience 
> makes me a great fit for this project.

Hello Yos, thanks for your introduction.

> As I understand it, we're trying to build something similar to the GrabCad 
> and SketchFab projects, with features such as a workspace for uploaded .g 
> files as well as community features such as comments, sharing, and embedding. 

That sounds like a reasonable direction to take the project to me.  Be sure to 
check out http://brlcad.org/wiki/OGV and http://brlcad.org/wiki/Online_Geometry 
where some other thoughts are described as well.

> Fortunately, I have experience building platforms such as these, especially 
> with my heavy involvement in my personal project, SheetHub.


> I agree that OGV needs framework for more robust infrastructure, and would 
> like to propose the use of Ruby on Rails, with its active developer ecosystem 
> and extensive support for testing. I feel that Rails is most suitable for 
> this project.

Have you looked at the existing code yet?  I don’t want to get into a bikeshed 
debate over what language or framework is better than another as really just 
about anything can be made to work well for this project.  The success is more 
determined by consistency and putting forth effort.  Towards that end, 
considerable effort has already been invested, so you should research the 
existing implementation in detail.

If you’re going to propose changing the underlying implementation or starting 
over from scratch, you’ll need to strongly make a that case (or do the work 
before GSoC begins).

> Please let me know if you are still looking for applicants. I'm eager to work 
> on this project. 

Of course we’re still looking for applicants, we’re just getting started.  GSoC 
applications don’t open for another week and a half.


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