On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:00 AM, Inderpreet Singh <indrp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only solution is to keep resolving merge conflicts until you both
> have the same code base. Which will take some time for me to do (my
> tiny startup consumes a hell lot of my time)
> If you are working any further, can you please make sure your codes
> are in sync with each other. Just choose one single codebase anywhere
> (not necessarily on brl-cad account) and make sure your code doesn't
> drift far away from each other.

@shubham and @deepak  Congratulations! Apologies for having kept you
waiting for so long.

I have merged your changes into two branches
* GSOC2015
* GSOC2015-merged

While GSOC2015 contained changes only from shubham, the merged branch
contain changes from both PRs.  Please read again the guide
(requirements) that you got for GSoC and the coding standard
guidelines. There are few changes that I have commented out
intentionally (specially the notification system), I will look into
them one by one. Landingpage.html may also not work for you yet. Also,
being a BIG merge it might have broken few things so please test both
branches and let me know if anything's broken or not working they way
you think it should.

>From now onwards keeping your fork up to date with GSOC2015-merged
branch is your responsibility. Having a common code-base is must for
any team work, and you both must actively work towards that.  You are
encouraged to make new branches for new features and instead of one
big PR many small PRs are referred. Even inside PRs instead of one big
commit, many small commits are preferred. Whenever you write a code or
a snippet, make sure it does not break anything (front-end or

I will be reviewing the code in coming weeks and merging it into
master branch. While reviewing I will be asking for some explanations
(at github), I hope that would be fine with you.

Great job guys, keep it up.

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