On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Rakshika Bagavathy <
rakshika.bagava...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I read on the mailing list that 'Automatic polygonal mesh healing' is a
> viable project. I got interested and familiarized myself with the
> techniques.
> My knowledge right now is that there may be gaps, overlaps, T-joints and
> slivers in the geometry objects and we process them one by one.
> 1. After triangulating the mesh (using the paving algorithm) we first
> identify gaps and overlaps and solve them using the nodal merging
> algorithm.
> 2. Then we identify and solve T-joints using nodal insertion and element
> splitting algorithm.
> 3. Larger gaps and holes are solved using a triangulation technique based
> on the advancing front algorithm.
> 4. Sliver mesh patches and skewed elements are solved by merging nodes and
> by edge swapping (based on the overall shape factor).
> The inputs from the user would be the edge length (for the paving
> algorithm), and the merging tolerance (while checking if two edges are
> close by).
> Is my approach right in this?
> Also, could i be directed towards the existing code for polygonal mesh
> healing?

This is just a suggestion but you can get an idea of how mesh healing
techniques work in practice by looking at the MeshLab program:

That program features a whole suite of mesh editing tools including some
which do mesh healing. I don't know how relevant the techniques are in
terms of the requirements for BRL-CAD but quite often 3D scanned models
need some touching up before 3D printing so these tools quite often quite
useful. Even some non-printing use cases require watertight surfaces or

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