Many of you already know me here. My name is Gauravjeet Singh.
I was welcomed in this community in late 2012 via Google Code In (GCI).
I was a GCI 2012 student and then acted as a GCI mentor of BRL-CAD for
next two consecutive years (2013 & 2014).

Now I am willing to code with this community via GSoC 16.

I am looking for a project to work with.

OGV has always been successful in taking my attention for a number of
reasons. Biggest reason being it in meteor
I have quite a good experience with meteor framework. Have been
contributing to few meteor repositories from past year.

I am looking into OGV bugs in order to send a patch (PR).

Another project that got my attention is Qt UI for BRL-CAD.
I have some experience with Qt and Wt(similar to Qt, can be referred
as Qt for the web). But I don't have much exposure to BRL-CAD code. So
that worries me a little.

Any greetings, comments or suggestions are highly welcomed. :)

Fear is wisdom in the face of danger. It’s nothing to be ashamed of

Gauravjeet Singh

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