On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 5:04 PM, Param Hanji <param.catchch...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I successfully got BRL-CAD working, with all its applications and in the
> X11 window system too. As I mentioned earlier, even the dynamic linking is
> fixed.
> OpenCL mode fails with compilation errors. The errors tell me that vector
> data types like double3 are not supported. But, running clinfo confirms
> that OpenCL version 1.2 is used currently by my GPU. I was under the
> impression that OpenCL 1.2 inherently supports vector types. Is this
> assumption false? On another test program, I got this error.
> <program source>:6:11: error: variable has incomplete type 'double2' (aka
> 'struct __Unsupported_Type__Do_not_use_double2_on_this_device')
>   double2 x;
>           ^
> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/lib/clang/3.2/include/cl_kernel.h:160:16:
> note: forward declaration of 'struct
> __Unsupported_Type__Do_not_use_double2_on_this_device'
> typedef struct __Unsupported_Type__Do_not_use_double2_on_this_device
> double2;

Double precision floating point support is optional under OpenCL. You
should check (e.g. with clinfo) if your hardware/driver supports double

You can force OpenCL librt to use single precision (float), that must be
hardware supported as part of the basic OpenCL specification, by enabling

> OpenCL docs state that version 1.2 provides vector data type support even
> if the underlying GPU doesn't support them. It says so here
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.0/docs/man/xhtml/vectorDataTypes.html
> I'll post this issue on the Apple OpenCL forum as well to see what can be
> done.
> On a personal note, I understand that this is getting in the way of my
> work for BRL-CAD. How long do you recon it's okay to take time off for
> setting up my laptop? I really wanted to finish up all of this during the
> bonding period, but I couldn't.

Well it was interesting to try to get OpenCL librt to work on MacOS X.

But if it is getting in your way from coding just use Linux with the AMD
APP SDK. That is known to work and you have prior experience with that
platform as well.

> P.S. I've been working on PART on my old laptop and have finished its
> acceleration. I'll submit a patch very soon, preferably tonight.

Nice! I should have applied your ETO patch to SVN this week.


PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
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