08.06.2021 22:15, G. Jakub Kwaczyński пишет:

W dniu 08. 06. 21 o 20:31, Dave Mielke pisze:
[quoted lines by G. Jakub Kwaczyński on 2021/06/08 at 20:19 +0200]

I tried usb:/dev/ttyUSB0 and usb:ttyUSB0 and same result.
No. I mean a direct USB cable - no RS-2332 anything. Just pure USB. And then specify usb: for the device (nothing after the colon).

I've attached a photo how the connection looks like. I've got only the RS-232 cable bundled. I have no clue, where I could get a direct USB cable. If You know by chance, let me know please.

hello mr Jakub.
i think you have the same baum display as one of mine.
I would like to try to help you, and for that I need to learn a couple of things. 1. Are you using the original COM cable that came with the display from the factory?
it looks like a flat wire with two female plugs on the ends.

it is very important to use the original wire as its pinout differs from the usual internal pinout of the rs232 connector. several of these wires were made for me.

2. have you checked the two connection pins? they are equivalent, but I managed to burn one on one of my displays.

you should also be careful with your com to usb converter.
for me, one of these broke after a week of use.
for a start, look either in the kernel logs, or in / dev /, or better both whether the adapter is detected when connected. and specify the path to its device in brltty.conf. most likely it will be / dev / ttys0-usb

Sincerely, Alexander.

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