Hi, Dave!

You wrote:

> Please test the latest development code so that as many problems as possible 
> can be discovered ahead of time.

I get errors when I try to do make inside the Documentation directory:

Processing file BRLTTY.sgml
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:7:8:E: cannot open "/etc/sgml/html401-dtds-4.01-1999122
4.6.soc" (No such file or directory)
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:10:8:E: cannot open "/etc/sgml/docbook-simple-F9.cat" (
No such file or directory)
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:12:8:E: cannot open "/etc/sgml/openjade-1.3.2-30.fc8.so
c" (No such file or directory)
nsgmls:<OSFD>0:1:2:E: unknown declaration type "doctype"
nsgmls:<OSFD>0:3:2:E: "ENTITY" declaration not allowed in prolog
nsgmls:<OSFD>0:4:2:E: "ENTITY" declaration not allowed in prolog
nsgmls:<OSFD>0:5:2:E: "ENTITY" declaration not allowed in prolog
nsgmls:<OSFD>0:6:2:E: "ENTITY" declaration not allowed in prolog

Thanks in advance
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