[quoted lines by André-Abush Clause on 2017/04/09 at 23:47 +0200]

>I have a VarioUltra 40. OK with USB but braille keyboard doesn't work
>with NVDA. However, bluetooth connection is very unstable (see
>attached file for more info).

Your log is showing a serial connection on COM7, rather than a direct Bluetooth 
connection, so it isn't actually testing brltty's Bluetooth support. What I'm 
seeing in it is a lot of these:

   CreateFile error 5: Acc?s refus?.
   cannot open serial device: //./COM7

This is probably the reason for your instability. My guess is that NVDA may be 
still in control of the serial port when brltty is trying to access it.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | The Bible is the very Word of God.
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