Hi all,

we visited you for your new years party and yesterday evening nadka and me
from Stuttgart/shackspace
brought you a box of club mate cola.

When trying to get another box of Club Mate unfortunately our
car wasn't where we left it and so we learned the hard
way about blue marked parking spaces.

Anyways we'll drop off the box tonight.

Last time me and makefu were amazed by how good the ledbar turned out and
built some/are in the process of building 50 linkable rgbboxes.
Maybe someone from the ledbar hackers is at brmlab later to talk to?

Also I bring another little project if someone wants to play with PID loops
in an analog way.

Last time we went into the lab downstairs and whished there was a radiation
sign on the door ... maybe that could happen sometime - so you can educate
people beforehand / give them a chance not to go in ;-)

Anyways it coused me to start a fundraiser at our hackerspace to take part
in radiation detection+online mapping and I then found a really cheap
Two kits from http://radioactiveathome.org/map/
are being built (total cost of one ~30€).
Maybe taking part would also be interesting for some of you.

Best Regards and see you in a bit,
Brmlab mailing list

Odpovedet emailem