
  We'll be glad to welcome you.  It seems that you work on a lot of
things, and not just bio-stuff - I think it would be great if you could
maybe have a talk with brief introduction of your work, then people
present could ask about details or discuss whatever interests them.
Would that be all right?

  If you would be willing to talk about your inventions, Nov19 Thursday
evening from 20:00 would be perfect I think.  (We could give you a tour
through brmlab and talk about our projects before that.)

On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 04:49:46AM +0900, Shingo Hisakawa wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm Maker and biohacker based in Tokyo who's making things at home with wife.
> Thanks to the invitation of UK government, I got a chance to visit
> Prague with my DNA amplifiers, NinjaPCR and latest one next month. Can
> I visit your place?
> I'll arrive to the station at Nov19 13:25 from Berlin and leave for
> Munich at Nov21 8:00. so I'm available anytime Nov19 afternoon and
> Nov20.
> My hacks.
> - DNA amplifier http://pcr.tori.st
> - Manpowered Aircraft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1RoO-pmLh4
> - Kinect boobs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxRvRbPtmKo
> - Laser Satellite Tracker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j86uFMFnk60
> - AR Satellite tracker app http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A7OEXBO2-0
> - Bluetooth Satellite Notifier
> https://www.facebook.com/hisakawa/media_set?set=a.10152288291259481.663784480&type=3
> - Opensource Arduino-Android adapter(Google
> ADK)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfpoyiobqVE
> etc
> My TEDx talk
> http://www.tedxtokyo.com/en/talk/shingo-hisakawa/
> My Facebook
> https://www.facebook.com/hisakawa
> Shingo
> -- 
> ◆-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆◆◆◆
>  ┏━━┳━━┳━━┳┓    株式会社鳥人間
>  ┗┓┏┫┏┓┃━━┃┃    代表取締役 久川 真吾
>   ┃┃┃┗┛┃┃━┫┃    WEB  http://www.tori.st
>   ┗┛┗━━┻┻━┻┛    MAIL  shingohisak...@gmail.com
> ◆◆◆◆-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------◆
> Shingo Hisakawa,CEO of Toriningen Inc. located in Tokyo,Japan
> https://www.facebook.com/hisakawa
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> Brmlab mailing list
> Brmlab@brmlab.cz
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                                Petr Baudis
        If you have good ideas, good data and fast computers,
        you can do almost anything. -- Geoffrey Hinton
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