> On Jun 3, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Aashish Sharma <asha...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> 1) I see that stores-listener.bro has clone created into it and 
> store-connector.bro has master in it.
> Does that mean the idea is to have workers run listener and manager run 
> connector ? Which fundamentally means manager connects to the workers ?
> Or this is open to 'case-by-case' basis ?

You’re free to chose which endpoints do listen and which do connect and there’s 
no restrictions related to messaging patterns or data stores related to which 
one is chosen for a given endpoint.

> 2) What exactly does "bro/event/ready" mean ? Is idea here to 
> compartmentalize various events for various policies ?
> something like bro/event/tor-ban/balh ?  

It’s an arbitrary choice of a topic string that other endpoints may chose to 
subscribe to.  It doesn’t have to be in a hierarchical/directory-like format, 
but that model probably works nice for things you’d want to do.  For example 
you could have an endpoint subscribe to the prefix “bro/event” and it will 
receive all events that peers publish that use that prefix (and are willing to 
send to others).  Or it could use “bro/event/http” to get all http related 
events, or it can match a topic string exactly if it only cares about just that 
one event, etc.  The degree of specificity is left up to the subscriber.

> 2b) Is it right to understand that with auto_event the event will be 
> automatically called on workers if called on manager ? 

For the most part, yes.  There’s other conditions that matter like if the 
manager allowed the event to be published (the default is “yes”) and if the 
worker subscribed to the event (they need to explicitly set up the 
subscriptions they are interested in).

> 2c) How do I trigger a clone to update the master (how often or can I trigger 
> updates on certain conditions ? ) 

A clone attempts to be as close a copy of the master data store as it can.  Any 
modifications done to the master or via the clone will automatically trigger 
updates to be propagated to all clones and you don’t have control over that.

The primary goal of the clone is to keep a local copy of the master data store 
so that queries can use that local cache and maybe eliminate some latency.  If 
that’s not a concern for your use-case, you could just create a plain 
“frontend” to the master data store instead of a clone.  With a plain frontend, 
queries always are made against the master store, there’s no local cache.

> 3) Since all the action happens in "event 
> BrokerComm::outgoing_connection_established"  I don't see way to pass data to 
> it. 
> Do I need to create global variables and then use them in this event ? I mean 
> whats a good way to "pass"/use data to this event ?

You might keep the store handle as a global variable and initialize it in 
bro_init(), but typically I don’t think you’d actually want to do any data 
store operations in that event.  You can do the operations inside any event 
depending on what you want the data store to actually do, e.g. handle 
http_request instead and do store operations there.

> 3b) How is BrokerComm::outgoing_connection_established event triggered ?

It’s raised automatically when a connection to a peer has completed.  If you 
start trying to send messages before you’ve seen the connection has been 
established, there’s no guarantee the other side will actually see them.

> Does using BrokerStore::insert in some other event also trigger the updates 
> to master from the clone ? 

Yes, you can perform data store operations inside any event and modifications 
to a master store are automatically propagated to all clones of it.

> 4) Somewhat whimsical issue:  Why is peer_address of string type when we have 
> peer_port as port data type. Shouldn't peer_address be address data type ? I 
> was hoping may be one can use dns-names thats why but I cannot seem to get 
> that working ? 

Yeah, the idea was that either names or IPs should work and a string is a good 
way to represent either.  Can you give more detail on what’s not working?

> 4b) Shouldn't this event be better off as : event 
> BrokerComm::outgoing_connection_established(p: peer)

Possibly, but the available information for incoming/outgoing and 
established/broken is different enough that providing a single “peer” record 
would make it hard to tell what each one actually can provide.

> Oh also, I see that it supports sets but seems like doesn't support tables ?

Tables are a supported data type, but broker data stores don’t support any 
in-place modification operations on them.  Maybe if you are wanting to do a lot 
of modifications (that aren’t simply whole value replacements) to a table 
stored inside a broker data store, it’s worth considering mapping the keys in 
the table to keys in the data store instead.

- Jon

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