On 06/06/2016 01:50 PM, Robin Sommer wrote:
> - For shipping binary plugins:
>      - Through meta information, we let the author specify a build
>        command to build all their binary stuff, such as "./configure &&
>        make && make test". The command line client runs that command
>        inside <repo>.
>      - Per default, we expect that build command to create a directory
>        <repo>/build that contains a binary plugin. We add
>        <install-base>/<name>/build to BRO_PLUGIN_PATH.
>      - If one wants to locate the plugin elsewhere, optional meta
>        information can set a different BRO_PLUGIN_PATH.  For example,
>        to put it into "<repo>/compiled/cool_plugin", one would specify
>        as meta information "pluginpath=compiled/cool_plugin".

Could you clarify what you mean by BRO_PLUGIN_PATH here?  Are you saying
that after I do a "cban install cool-plugin", I'd need to manually
set an environment variable in order for Bro to find the new plugin?
Or are we still planning to default to <PREFIX>/lib/bro/plugins/ ?

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