I have been thinking about DM. It looks like people want to participate
for various reasons: Some want to get a medal at (almost?) any cost,
some for the bragging rights, some want to get qualified comments of
their beer, some for the sake of promoting a good hobby, and others must
have other reasons.

All these different kinds of motivations set up different wishes for the
organization of DM, many of which are in direct conflict with each
other. Therefore it will probably be impossible to find any arrangement
to satisfy everybody.

I was thinking that at least one of the groups could perhaps be better
served outside the DM organization. That is those non-comptetitive folks
who just want a good criticism of their beer. Would there be interest in
a judging service, perhaps in connection with a beer festival, where
people could bring in their bottles, and get two or three qualified
people to critisize it? 

In the other end, we have the Dan's comment from some years back, that
the purpose of DM is to find the best brewer in Denmark. For such
purpose, a "hard" competition would seem ideal. Perhaps pick three
random styles every year, and expect all brewers to submit a beer in
*all* of them - thus we can judge the the skills in a few different
fields, and reduce the chances for a lucky break... (announce them in
good time, of course. Preferably at the previous years DM.)

Finally, there are those who just want medals and bragging rights. We
could sell them on auction, to finance the other activities.

What do you think, folks? 

Meanwhile, I go and drink some

    beer anyway


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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