Hej Heikki

Det lyder spændende - det vil jeg også prøve :-)

Rister du samme dag som du brygger?


2007/7/22, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 08:10:22PM +0200, Stefan Meisner Larsen wrote:
> Hvis der iøvrigt er nogen som er erfaring med "hjemmeristning" så lad
> endelig os andre høre!

Every time I make a porter or a stout, I fry some of my basis malt.
Usually on a dry frying pan, until I see the first signs of brown color
appearing. At that time there is lots of darkenss inside the malt!
Usually I put on ly a thin layer of grains on the pan, as only the
bottom layer gets properly fried anyway. If need be, I repeat the
process. No idea how much grain that is, something like a handful or
two. Of course teh colour calculations go badly off this way, but who
cares, I usually use enough stuff to be sure it will be well and truly
black. Somehow, every time it has turned out to be

   beer anyway


P.S. Just back from my vacation, trying to catch up with the list. Will
probably miss some mails, so if you wanted an answer from me (or some
other reaction), try to mail me again.

Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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