Tak for det. Smiler stadig i skægget :o)

/The Race

Heikki Levanto wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 05:54:38PM +0100, Rasmus Fink wrote:
>> Jeg er _RET_ godt tilfreds med at vi har en mailingliste.
> Thanks. Me too!
>> Derimod, Heikki, er jeg ikke tilfreds med din manglende signatur i dette 
>> indlæg. Det bedes du gøre noget ved i fremtiden ! (her indsættes løftet 
>> pegefinger efter eget valg)
> I see your index finger, and raise a middle one ;-)
> Sorry - as you saw from the text, I was leading up to it. But then I went and
> sent the mail before I could write it properly... But I guess the poster gets
> my intention, that
>    it will be beer anyway
>       -H

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