Er det også dens skyld at den nu er degraderet til "compter" eller var det bare dens tastatur ?


Heikki Levanto wrote:
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:19:11PM +0200, Morten Bressendorff Schmidt wrote:
Where did you share it?

Bummer - I was sure I included a link in my first mail. But when I looked
now, it wasn't there. Here goes:,0,5421077.story?track=rss

Must have been my computer fucking up - you can always blame the compter,
right? It certainly is not because I have been drinking too much

    beer anyway



On 23-08-2011 22:13, Heikki Levanto wrote:
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:01:12PM +0200, Rasmus Fink wrote:
Jeg vil umiddelbart gætte på at Jeremy King
( vil være glad for at kunne svare dig på

Jeg ved ikke om du har set,
men hvis ikke kan afsnittet spore dig ind på hvorfor jeg mener han
vil kunne bruges.

Kan du bruge det til noget ?
Thanks. An interesting littel video, which I had not seen before. But not
about the same thing, at all.

Then again, I don't need to use the stuff for anything, I'm just generally
curious and wanted to share the article I run across, in case others would
find it interesting.

All this theory and history is interesting in its own right, but for my daily
use, I just brew some

   beer anyway


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