Is onetimecopy still supported in bucardo 5?  I'm adding new tables to an
existing sync and want to copy over those tables.  The tables exist on both
machines, with data existing in one of them. I can't seem to make it work,
steps I followed:

bucardo add table <table> relgroup=<relgroup> db=<db>
bucardo validate sync <the sync that uses this relgroup>
bucardo update sync <the sync that uses this relgroup> onetimecopy=2
bucardo kick <the sync that uses this relgroup>

Never saw the data copy over, or the 'one time copy' in the status go to
false.  I tried reloading that sync [i got an error], stopping/starting
bucardo, and then the status said that onetimecopy was false, but my data
had not transferred.

I've just manually transferred the data for now, but would like to know the
correct process moving forward.


Troy Denton, P. Eng.

Senior Telecom Analyst

24-7 Intouch

204.666.4651 | mobile |

240 Kennedy St | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 1T1

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