 loveste societatea civila care nu este de acord cu politicile sale anti-mediu

July 13, 2010 by  <http://dacianasarbu.wordpress.com/author/dacianasarbu/> 
Daciana Sarbu 

Bruxelles, 13 iulie 2010

Eurodeputata PSD Daciana Sarbu, membra a Comisiei pentru mediu, sanatate 
publica si siguranta alimentara a Parlamentului European (ENVI), condamna 
marginalizarea, de catre premierul Emil Boc, a ONG-urilor de mediu care se opun 
proiectului Rosia Montana. Cel mai recent caz este indepartarea Laviniei 
Andrei, presedinta Fundatiei Terra Mileniul III, din componenta Comitetului 
Economic si Social European (CESE).

Membra a CESE din 2007, Lavinia Andrei a prezentat in fata acestui for european 
cazul Rosia Montana si s-a implicat activ in sprijinirea la Bruxelles a 
rezolutiei anti-cianuri, in primavara acestui an. Fara consultari prealabile cu 
societatea civila si fara o justificare legitima, premierul Boc a exclus-o de 
pe lista membrilor CESE din partea Romaniei, protejand astfel proiectul minier 
Rosia Montana.

Comitetul Economic si Social European de la Bruxelles este un for consultativ, 
menit – printre altele – sa consolideze rolul societatii civile  in definirea 
politicilor europene. Prin astfel de acțiuni, autoritatile de la Bucuresti nu 
numai ca slabesc vocea societatii civile, dar manifesta dispret si 
desconsiderare fata de munca ONG-urilor romanesti. Sustinerea asumata deschis 
de catre guvern a proiectului Rosia Montana determina astfel persecutarea unor 
organizatii de mediu care urmaresc protejarea acestei regiuni, dezvoltarea sa 
durabila si crearea de sanse reale pentru oamenii din zona.

Daciana Sarbu solicita premierului Boc sa inceteze marginalizarea ONG-urilor de 
mediu care doresc salvarea regiunii Rosia Montana. “Dupa atacurile absurde la 
adresa presei, numita pericol pentru securitatea nationala fiindca se exprima 
critic, acum puterea loveste si societatea civila care nu este de acord cu 
politicile sale anti-mediu. Reactia autoritatilor la critici este incercarea de 
sufocare a acestora, o atitudine profund nedemocratica si nedreapta”, a 
declarat Daciana Sarbu.

Eurodeputata a adresat Consiliului UE o intrebare scrisa, prin care atrage 
atentia forului european asupra tentativelor de politizare a nominalizarii 
membrilor CESE.

Daciana Sarbu este autoarea rezolutiei grupului socialist din PE cu privire la 
interzicerea cianurilor in minerit, initiativa adoptata in mai 2010 cu o 
majoritate covarsitoare, de 488 de voturi”.

Apelul transmis de Lavinia Andrei tuturor membrilor Parlamentului European:

“I decided to write to you because you could be considered in your capacity as 
“guilty” as I was considered by the Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc in my 

My name is Lavinia Andrei and I am the president of the Foundation TERRA 
Mileniul III Romania, and I like to define myself as an environmental activist, 
working in this field since 1993. Due to my work and dedication, I became one 
of the leaders of the environmental NGOs movement in my country and I am 
running together with my colleagues many environmental campaigns, including the 
one called "Saving Rosia Montana".

I know that you are familiarized with this subject, because some of your 
Romanian colleagues, who are listening to the voice of civil society and are 
concerned about environment, already presented you the situation in my country.

Also, two months ago the Romanian Environmental Coalition wishing to applaud 
you for voting on the resolution "Cyanide mining technology should be banned in 
the EU", sent you a thanks message.

Since 2007, I am a member of the European Economic and Social Committee – group 
3 (being elected by my constituency), where also I try to bring my experience 
and my contribution to the best I can. I brought with me in Brussels, also the 
Rosia Montana subject and I exposed it in the plenary EESC and also in the 
meeting with the Commissioner for the Environment two days ago (a short report 
of my activity in EESC is attached).

For my work there, environmental NGOs community decided to re-nominate me for 
the next mandate 2010- 2015.

Unfortunately, the Romanian Prime Minister Boc, by a unilateral act and without 
any consultation with the civil society withdrew my name from the list, due to 
the fact that I am opposing this dangerous project on gold mining in Rosia 
Montana (that is considered a strategic project in his governing program) and 
added the name of another person considered to be close to the current party in 
power and who was not nominated by any constituency.

Apart from this, the current Minister of Economy and former Mayor of Bucharest 
Adriean Videanu, during his last days in the City Hall of Bucharest (2008) sued 
my NGO and asked for its closure, due to the fact that we opposed an illegal 
and very expensive project (Basarab overpass). The illegality of this project 
was decided by the Court of Justice in Bucharest, which canceled some 
construction documents, following our NGO’s intervention. This, however, turned 
out not to be a problem for the "Boc Government" as it cancelled the decision 
of the Bucharest Court of Justice through a Governmental Decision.

The fact that I am considered so inconvenient for the Romanian Government makes 
me proud of my activity and motivates me to continue to be an activist.

The real reason for writing to you is because I realized that there are two 
different Europes in the same territory. My case is not a singular one and I 
know also other colleagues of mine from different MSs that are facing similar 
situations with their PMs.

Because Europe has a new and solid base for democracy and we all engaged to 
respect the Treaty of Lisbon, including "to make the EU more democratic by 
giving citizens a more direct say in its policies", we all have the duties to 
assure the way how this could be achieved.

In your capacity, for the near future, you could find a way to avoid political 
nominations in the EESC that should remain an institution of the civil society, 
where the nomination should be based on the person reputation, competency, and 
representation in the civil society.

If we all couldn’t find real solutions for empowering civil society in Europe, 
the Treaty of Lisbon will remain only on paper.

With consideration,
Lavinia Andrei

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