bung petrus, terimakasih atas lyric John Lennon ini...
meskipun cuma sekedar lagu, semoga bisa menyadarkan kita
semua...akan pentingnya persaudaraan...

--- In budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com, "Petrus Gunadi
Omas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Imagine there's no Heaven
> It's easy if you try
> No hell below us
> Above us only sky
> Imagine all the people
> Living for today
> Imagine there's no countries
> It isn't hard to do
> Nothing to kill or die for
> And no religion too
> Imagine all the people
> Living life in peace
> You may say that I'm a dreamer
> But I'm not the only one
> I hope someday you'll join us
> And the world will be as one
> Imagine no possessions
> I wonder if you can
> No need for greed or hunger
> A brotherhood of man
> Imagine all the people
> Sharing all the world
> You may say that I'm a dreamer
> But I'm not the only one
> I hope someday you'll join us
> And the world will live as one
>   _____ 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

.: Forum Diskusi Budaya Tionghua dan Sejarah Tiongkok :.

.: Kunjungi website global : http://www.budaya-tionghoa.org :.

.: Untuk bergabung : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/budaya_tionghua :.

.: Jaringan pertemanan Friendster : [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.

Indonesia Culture Chinese


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