"China not Conducting A Genocide in Urumchi"

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The Chinese Counsellor in Ankara, Xiao Junzheng, said Wednesday his government 
was "not conducting a genocide" in regard to the incidents taking place in 
Xinjiang in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China. 

Speaking to AA reporters in the Chinese Embassy in Ankara, Counsellor Junzheng 
said that "in the incidents of Xinjiang, 156 people died from both sides and 
1,080 people were injured". 

Among the dead are Uighurs, members of the Han community and Chinese policemen. 
156 people from both sides died in the incidents. Other numbers in regard to 
the incidents do not reflect the reality, Junzheng said. 

Forensic medicine teams are working to identify the gender and nationality of 
those who died. We will very shortly announce the ethnic backgrounds and 
identity of the dead people in Xinjiang and bring the truth to the surface, 
Junzheng said. 

Touching on the recent visit made by Turkish President Abdullah Gul to the 
Xinjiang region, Counsellor Junzheng said that Gul and his delegation witnessed 
personally the stability and prosperity in the Xinjiang region. Both the 
Chinese government and President Gul were pleased with the visit to Xinjiang, 
Junzheng noted. 

Assertions that more than 500 people died in the Xinjiang region do not reflect 
the reality. Turkey should not believe in such baseless assertions. The Chinese 
government must be trusted in regard to the numbers of the dead, Junzheng 

Referring to the incident that took place in a toy factory and which led to the 
clashes in Xinjiang as an ordinary criminal act, Counsellor Junzheng said that 
they were "surprised" to see how such a criminal act turned into massive 

Behind all the incidents is the World Uighur Congress and its leader Rabia 
Kader. They have used this ordinary criminal act to incite ethnic groups, 
Junzheng said. 

The incidents taking place in Xinjiang do not have ethnic or religious 
connections. The World Uighur Congress tries to portray the criminal act as an 
ethnic and religious clash, Junzheng said. 

The real reason behind all of the incidents is to hurt the stability in 
Xinjiang Uighur Region and separate this land from China, Junzheng stressed. 

The leader of the World Uighur Congress, Rabia Kader, in a statement posted on 
their web site prior to the events of July 5, had noted that a big event would 
take place in Urumchi on July 5 and that the developments should be watched 
closely. Such a statement incited the people, Junzheng argued. 

Since the beginning of the incidents, we have acted according to our laws. 
China is a country where the rule of law prevails. Those detained in order to 
enlighten the incidents and their trials will be conducted according to laws, 
Junzheng said. 

Those involved in the incidents and were "hoaxed" will not get arrested. 
Rather, they will go through a special education process, Junzheng said. 


The incidents of Xinjiang will have no affect on Turkish-Chinese relations. We 
do have confidence in the Turkish government and believe that the Turks will 
trust the Chinese when realities come out, Junzheng said. 

49 ethnic groups live in the Xinjiang Uighur Region. Facilitating stability in 
such a multi-cultural region is a tough job. The Turkish leaders should look at 
the incident from an objective perspective, Junzheng said. 

The Uighurs' historical ties with Turkey make them a bridge between Turkey and 
China. The stability in Xinjiang is not merely Turkey's expectation but China's 
as well, Junzheng noted. 

Certain news reports and pictures in the media have caused sensitivity among 
the Turks. We are uneasy about certain words used in the media, such as 
"massacre, genocide", Junzheng said. 

In response to a question on whether independent news sources can make news 
stories on the incidents, Counsellor Junzheng said that "there is no problem in 
communicating with the region. Those press officials who would like to visit 
the region and write news stories can do so and watch the developments 

We do not expect any violence against Uighurs living in other parts of China 
following the incidents in Xinjiang, Junzheng said. 

If isolated attacks on Uighurs do take place, we will take the necessary 
precautions and solve the incidents within a legal framework, Junzheng also 

Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Tags: Conducting Genocide Urumchi" 

 Wednesday, 8 July 2009 

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