I've recently added smart expansion of symbols in the Emacs mode (press TAB
and get a list of suggested variable and function names). I'd like it to be
able to expand system commands and quad commands as well. Of course, I
could simply hard-code the list of available commands, but it would be
neater if there was a way of accessing this from GNU APL itself.

Also, since the expansion list has room for a description, it would be even
more awesome if I could access a one-line description of these commands and
variables. Of course, I could include it on my side, but this is something
that's useful for not only the Emacs mode, but for any user of GNU APL, so
would it make sense to include this information in the interpreter itself
(I'd access it through an API, while it can also be made available from
some kind of help command from the commandline).


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