close 19724
tags 19724 notabug


2015-01-29 21:39 GMT+01:00  <>:
> David, removing %(file-line-error) from LaTeX-command-style solved the
> problem: preview is working fine now. Thank you!
> Also, in case it's useful: I temporarily reinstalled the previous version of
> AucTeX (11.88 – now it's 11.88.2), and preview was working fine there – and
> in that version the default LaTeX-command-style did NOT have the
> %(file-line-error) part.

You can set `TeX-file-line-error' to nil if you don't want the
file:line:error style, instead of customizing `LaTeX-command-style' or
downgrading AUCTeX.

Unfortunately, MiKTeX' compilers are less detailed when
file:line:error style is requested, I cannot see any
good reason for this behavior.  On the other side, with TeX Live you
have same verbosity + file:line:error style.

I'm going to close this bug report.


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