Oops, I forgot to include 28...@debbugs.gnu.org in cc: field, so I'm
resending.  I'm sorry for duplication, Alexey.


Hi Alexey,

>>>>> Alexey Abrikosov <a.abr...@gmail.com> writes:
> Dear Friend (I don't risk to call you by the first name)

I don't mind by which name I am called :-).

> Thank you for your advice. It worked!


> At first I was a bit confused since my `preview.el' is older than yours. 
> Therefore I could not apply the patch literally.

Sorry, my patch is for the latest git version.  I should have included a
note about that.

> As far as I understand, the recipe is to insert the opening

That's right.  Precisely speaking, my patch takes care so that the
additional piece of environment "max_print_line=1000" does not stay in
emacs after latex process runs, but I suppose that doesn't matter for
most cases.

However, it is reported[1] that metapost in older TeX distribution does
not run correctly under "max_print_line=1000", so if you encounter this
trouble, you have to edit your file a bit further.

Ikumi Keita

[1] https://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/tex/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=2260#p13284
(sorry, discussed in Japanese)

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