韦星宇 <674113...@qq.com> writes:

> When I used Emacs to write my reports for a course with LaTeX, I found
> that Emacs did not show the preview successfully. Then, I used the
> following LaTeX file to check whether there was a problem:
> [...]
> The output of the preview-report-bug is following:
> Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, NS
> apple-appkit-1265.21)
> of 2015-04-11 on builder10-9.porkrind.org
> Package:
> [...]
> Output from running `/Library/TeX/texbin/rungs -h':
> GPL Ghostscript 9.22 (2017-10-04)

There was a known incompatibility between AUCTeX and Ghostscript 9.22
which was resolved with the release of AUCTeX 11.92.  From the release

    preview-latex is compatible with Ghostscript 9.22 where the
    operator '.runandhide' is removed.  All occurrences of
    '.runandhide' in preview-latex are replaced by alternative code
    making it work with Ghostscript 9.22 again.

Please update your AUCTeX to latest version 12.1 and try again.

Best, Arash

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