Hi Tassilo,

Good news! With 13.0.1 the error is gone.

Many thanks for your readiness to help!


On 30 Dec 2020 at 9:01, Tassilo Horn wrote:

> Uwe Siart <uwe.si...@tum.de> writes:
> Hi Uwe,
> > Not that I know of. I've attached my .emacs (therefore not cc'ed to
> > the list) and a file that issues the error.
> Thanks, I've now added the list and the bug to Cc again.
> > This is how I load AUCTeX in my site-start.el
> >
> > (setq TeX-auto-save t)
> > (setq TeX-parse-self t)
> > (setq-default TeX-master nil)
> > (setq TeX-auto-untabify t)
> I still can't reproduce the issue with my testuser account using emacs
> 27.1, auctex-13.0.0 or 13.0.1, your .emacs (with the windows-specific
> parts removed), the above 4 lines in ~/.emacs.d/site-start.el, and your
> testdoc.tex.
> Does `M-x list-load-path-shadows RET' list something?  (Maybe there's a
> leftover from an old auctex install.)
> Otherwise, are you able to operate edebug?  If so, please `edebug-defun'
> `TeX-active-master-with-quotes', and tell me which expression signals
> the error.  If it's really
>         (setq TeX-expand-pos
>               (+ TeX-expand-pos (length res)))
> as I suspected, then you'd probably need to edebug `TeX-command-expand'
> to see why `TeX-expand-pos' stays nil rather than being set to an
> integer.
> Bye,
> Tassilo

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