On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Stefano Lattarini
<stefano.lattar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/11/2013 10:31 AM, Bert Wesarg wrote:
>> I have the impression that variable references in filenames aren't
>> supported anyway, right?
> Wrong, actually.

But when I prefixing a source file with '$(src)/' and use
subdir-objects then I get something like this in the Makefile.in

$(src)/test-test.o: $(src)/test.c

And after a configure I get an '$(src)' directory in my build dir.

- 8< - Makefile.am - >8 -

src = .
bin_PROGRAMS = test
test_SOURCES = \
test_CPPFLAGS = \

- >8 - Makefile.am - 8< -


> Best regards,
>   Stefano

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