> I have confirmed that
> it still exists in bash-3.1-beta1, but have not yet tested
> if bash 3.1 final patchlevel 1 has fixed the bug. 

My results: bash 3.1, with or without patch 1, still has
the bug.

$ k=$(case x in x) echo hi; esac)
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `esac'

> The rationale page 
> (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/xrat/xcu_chap02.html)
> then proceeds to list several examples of $() commands where
> an unmatched ')' can appear inside the nested command, when used
> as part of a valid shell script.

Of which, bash gets 2 of the three examples WRONG:

$ echo $(
> cat <</eof
> a here-doc with )
> eof
> )
a here-doc with )
$ echo $(
> echo abc # a comment with )
> )
$ echo $(
> echo ')'
> )

bash 3.0.16:
$ echo $(
> cat << /eof
> a here-doc with )
a here-doc with 
$ # oops, the ) in the here-doc was consumed to close the $(), and
$ # without a warning of a missing eof delimiter
$ echo $(
> echo abc # a comment with )
$ # oops, the ) in the comment was consumed to close the $()
$ echo $(
> echo ')'
> )
$ # The only correct answer of the three

bash 3.1.1:
$ echo $(
> cat << /eof
> a here-doc with )
a here-doc with 
$ # oops, the ) in the here-doc was consumed to close the $(), and
$ # without a warning of a missing eof delimiter
$ echo $(
> echo abc # a comment with )
> )
$ # oops, an extra ) snuck through to the outer echo
$ echo $(
> echo ')'
> )
$ # The only correct answer of the three

Eric Blake

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