On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, Horinius wrote:

> Hugh Sasse wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2 Nov 2007, Horinius wrote:
> >> I've found that if the last line isn't terminated by a new-line, that
> >> line
> >> can't be read.  This seems to be a very common error and I've seen it in
> >> other commands.
> > 
> > This is a Unix convention.  I don't know the origins.
> > 
> I was not talking about new-line vs carriage-return vs new-line AND
> carriage-return.

I wasn't either.
> I was saying that if the last character of the last line is also the last
> character of the file, that line isn't read.  Or is it really what you're
> referring to as "Unix convention"?

Yes, for example:

brains hgs 71 %> mkdir tmp
brains hgs 72 %> cd tmp
brains hgs 73 %> echo -n "file with one line" > somefile
brains hgs 74 %> od -x somefile
0000000 6669 6c65 2077 6974 6820 6f6e 6520 6c69
0000020 6e65
brains hgs 75 %> cat !$
cat somefile
file with one linebrains hgs 76 %> wc !$
wc somefile
       0       4      18 somefile
brains hgs 77 %> ed !$
ed somefile
'\n' appended
brains hgs 78 %>
And vi warns about it in a similar way to ed.

Again, what problem are you trying to solve, if any?  


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