On Wednesday 06 August 2008, kinda wrote:
> hi friends.,
> my ascii file is as shown
> 1 41.18324 117.2673 ***
> 2 41.18324 117.2799 12.78
> 3 41.18324 117.2925 ***
> ----------------
> ----------------
> 299859 37.65457 122.0885 16.8
> 299860 37.65457 122.1011 16.668
> --------------------
> ------------------
> 657522 33.21582 127.602 23.532
> 657523 33.21582 127.6146 23.532
> like wise i have 100's of files..
> In all the files i have to replace the *** (represents no data in my file)
> with 0( zero).
> i could not match those *** with the sed. ( am unfamiliar with regexp:-( )

time to learn then huh ?

sed -i 's:\*\*\*:0:g'

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