On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 04:59:36PM EDT, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:

> > I had posted the following obfuscated explanation a couple of hours
> > ago but since I was subscribed under a different address, it never
> > made it to the list.
> > 
> > :-(
> Actually it seems to have made it to the okay.  No need for an unhappy
> face.  You do not need to be subscribed to post to a bug reporting
> mailing list.  But addresses that are not subscribed are held for
> human review before approval.  If it is an address that posts multiple
> times then we usually add it to the list just like subscribed
> addresses so there won't be a delay subsequently.

Thanks for filling me in.. Wasn't aware of this. I used the gnu lists'
"change address" option in the meantime but I was not expecting to see
my earlier post "converted" and eventually show up.. ever.

> Looking at the timestamps it appears you posted the message at
> 14:08:08 -0400 on your machine and it was received by monty-python 39
> seconds before that at 21 Mar 2009 14:07:29 -0400.  You might want to
> adjust your clock. :-)

[17:45:09][r...@turki:~]# date; ntpdate-debian
Sat Mar 21 17:45:23 EDT 2009
21 Mar 17:45:31 ntpdate[32504]: step time server offset
-42.229268 sec

Seems to have only been off by 8 seconds?

> Then because the address was unknown it sat waiting for a human
> moderator to approve the message for 1h15m20s when it was approved at
> 21 Mar 2009 15:22:49 -0400 and sent through to the mailing list.  I
> personally think that is a pretty good turnaround time for an unknown
> address to get through the anti-spam human moderation process
> considering the total volume of mail going through lists.gnu.org but
> since I am one of the mailing list moderators I am biased. :-)

I think 1 hour+ is simply amazing. 

Don't you people have .. er, like weekends and stuff..??


> This beat out this next posting 15m19s later which went through
> without delay at 21 Mar 2009 13:38:08 -0600 because it was a known
> address.

Yes .. I screwed up.. yet again.. 

My original post was pretty lame .. seeing it twice is an embarrassment
especially on a decent list such as this one.



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