On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 07:36:36PM +0200, Aljosha Papsch wrote:
> ModManager() {
>  ClearFiles -4
>  echo "zenity --list --window-icon=\"${run_path}icon.png\" 
> --width=\"650\" --height=\"350\" --title=\"${modmanager[${lang}]}\" 
> --text=\"${RegMods[${lang}]}:\" --column=\"${no[${lang}]}\" 
> --column=\"${name_loc[${lang}]}\" --column=\"Modus\" \\" >&4
>  for (( a = 1; a <= MODULES; a++ ))
>  do
>    echo "${a} \"${mod[${a}]} in ${loc[${a}]}\" ${mode[${a}]} \\" >&4
>  done
>  echo "__ ___________________ __ \\" >&4
>  echo "add \"${add_mod[${lang}]}\" __ \\" >&4
>  echo "del \"${del_mod[${lang}]}\" __ \\" >&4
>  echo "back \"${back[${lang}]}\" __" >&4
>  command=`. ${tmpmenu}`

I presume FD 4 is pointing to the file named in ${tmpmenu}.  You should
probably close FD 4 before attempting to read from the file, to be sure
all buffers are flushed.

Another way to build up a command for later execution would be to use
an array instead of a file:

  zcmd=(zenity --list --window-icon="${run_path}icon.png" ...)
  for (( some loop )); do
    zcmd+=($a "some thing" "etc.")

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